Monday, January 31, 2011

End of Janurary Results!!

You all made to the end! And Everyone did so well! Way to stay focused and go for your goal! As a total in January we lost 51.4 pounds! So Awesome!

Three Cheers for Destiny... she lost a whopping 6.98% of her weight last month!! YOU ARE AMAZING DESTINY! Keep it up!

Destiny 6.98%
Valarie 4.44%
Obxbound 4.17%
Cate 3.33%
Anna 2.83%
Pepsea 2.12%
Jeannine 2.09%
Drew 1.16%
StephAnn 1.09%
Cortney 1.04%
Christine 0.64%
Elaine -1.79%

Don't stop now! February is tomorrow. It's a short month... but you can still do a lot!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

January 21st Results

The first month of 2011 is almost over. We are doing awesome! Keep it up!

Pepsea 4.14%
Valarie 2.26%
Destiny 1.48%
Jeannine 1.06%
Cate 0.68%
Drew 0.29%
Cortney 0.00%
Elaine 0.00%
Obxbound 0.00%
StephAnn 0.00%
Christine -0.64%
Anna -0.65%

"It's not an overnight process I just have to keep reminding myself of that" ~Destiny
Thanks Destiny! You are so right!

Monday, January 17, 2011

January 14th Results

For the most part we are doing really well this month! Keep it up! Our biggest loser of the month is Destiny... 3.33% That's amazing! I asked her how she was doing it...

"The trick seems to be a good balance of cardio and eating properly."

Destiny 3.33%
Valarie 1.67%
Drew 0.87%
Cate 0.68%
Anna 0.64%
Jeannine 0.53%
Obxbound 0.30%
Christine 0.00%
StephAnn 0.00%
Vicky 0.00%
Cortney -0.52%
Pepsea -1.04%
Elaine -1.80%

Sunday, January 9, 2011

January 7th Results

We're having a really good start the new year! Keep it up! Please feel free to post your goals for the month in the comments. Get dedicated - tell me what you can do this month!

Destiny 2.33%
Anna 2.05%
Cate 1.33%
Jeannine 1.05%
Obxbound 0.89%
Elaine 0.60%
Cortney 0.52%
Christine 0.00%
Valarie 0.00%
Vicky 0.00%
StephAnn -0.36%
Pepsea -1.52%

Monday, January 3, 2011

End Results for December!

OK... so December was HARD month for this, but many of you did amazing! And those that didn't have the best luck, don't worry about it... it's a new month a new year... and THIS IS YOUR YEAR!

Maggie 3.76%
Christine 3.70%
Vicky 3.50%
Cassie 2.56%
Bill 2.28%
Robin 1.80%
Meredith 1.78%
Sierra 1.38%
StephAnn 1.08%
Celeste 0.72%
Pepsea 0.00%
Cortney -0.52%
Marina -0.60%
Elaine -1.20%
Drew -1.76%
Anna -2.51%

Congratulations Maggie!! She's our winner of the month and thanks to the donation from Pixie Chicago she's won a $40gift card!