Tuesday, August 30, 2011

End of August Results

We had a few people who rocked August!!! Way to go!!
But lets be real here... I think August is one of the hardest months to stay focused and lose weight. Summer is coming to an end and there is so much fun to get in! So if you didn't do as well as you were hoping, don't be too hard on yourself! We still lost 14.4lbs as a group!!

Megan 4.03%
Brandi 2.13%
Paige 1.79%
Holly 1.02%
Jennifer 0.41%
StephAnn 0.00%
Jenn -0.19%
Jennifer -0.94%
Krissy -1.28%

Let's hear it for Megan!!! She's our loser of the month!!! She's down 4.03% of her body weight!! Yahoo!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

August 12th Results

Sorry I didn't get last weeks numbers up. Summer is ending crazy... like it should :) So here are the results for the 1st two weeks combined

Megan 2.61%
Holly 1.37%
Brandi 1.06%
Jennifer 0.41%
Jenn 0.37%
Paige 0.00%
StephAnn 0.00%
Krissy -1.28%
Amy -1.49%
Jennifer -3.59%

Stay focused - only 2 more weigh ins this month! You can do this!!

Monday, August 1, 2011

End of July Results

Holy Cow People!!! We lost... 52.3lbs in July!! That is so awesome... even more awesome for a summer month. You guys KILLED it!!
Whitney is our winner/loser of the month!!! I'll be contacting you about the prize!

Whitney 5.60%
Brandi 5.05%
Krissy 4.47%
Obxbound 2.98%
Megan 2.54%
Valarie 2.05%
StephAnn 1.16%
Jennifer 0.58%
Cassondra -0.32%
Amanda -0.71%
Paige -0.90%
Amy -1.01%

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July 22nd Results

It was a hard week for most of us. This is your push week... who will win this month prize?

Brandi 1.55%
Megan 1.25%
Krissy 1.23%
Whitney 1.02%
StephAnn 0.39%
Obxbound 0.30%
Amanda 0.00%
Amy 0.00%
Valarie 0.00%
Cassondra -0.85%
Jennifer -1.17%
Paige -1.81%

Monday, July 18, 2011

July 15th Results

Now that's what I'm talking about!!! 23.4lbs in one week!!! Way to work it! If you keep this up July could be our best month ever!!

Valarie 2.05%
Whitney 1.91%
Jennifer 1.32%
Megan 1.23%
Obxbound 1.20%
Brandi 1.03%
Kissy 0.82%
StephAnn 0.77%
Amanda 0.00%
Amy 0.00%
Cassondra 0.00%
Paige -0.30%

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

July 8th Results

Here are our results for our first week in July... they're not grand... but hey, the month is just starting! Remember, the winner at the end of the month will be getting a prize package from me!

Brandi 1.52%
Obxbound 0.89%
Paige 0.60%
Cassondra 0.53%
Megan 0.49%
Kissy 0.41%
Whitney 0.37%
Jennifer 0.08%
Amy 0.00%
StephAnn 0.00%
Valarie 0.00%
Amanda -0.71%

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

End of June Results!

I know it's hard to stay focused on weight loss during Summer... saying that, we didn't do too bad. As a group we lost 22lbs in June! Our Biggest Loser of the month was Anne who lost 4% of her body weight last month! Way to BRING IT Anne!!

Anne 4.00%
StephAnn 2.26%
Amanda 1.41%
Kristi 1.05%
Ashely 0.89%
Liberty 0.00%
Teresa 0.00%

As promised July a prize month... who's ready to work!?

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

June 24th Results

Wow, this month has really gotten away from me. I'm not exactly sure what happened... Here are last weeks results

Anne 0.82%
StephAnn 0.76%
Amanda 0.71%
Teresa 0.25%
Ashely 0.00%
Kristi 0.00%
Liberty 0.00%

To make up for my slacking... next month will be a prize month!! Spread the work to anyone who would like a little help or accountability staying on track this summer.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

June 3rd Results

Sorry for the delay in posting this. Things are kinda crazy as I get ready to head to Cali for the Beachbody Coach Summit. We have a smaller group this month... but still we lost 14lbs in the first week! Way to go!!

Anne 2.40%
StephAnn 1.13%
Kristi 1.05%
Ashely 0.89%
Amanda 0.70%
Teresa 0.25%
Liberty 0%

I'm leaving for Cali on Thursday and be back Sunday night. Please send me your new numbers anyway! :) Keep your goal in mind - You can do this!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

End of May Results!

As a group we lost 55.2 lbs!!! Way to go everyone!!! We had some Big Big Losers this month!! But our Biggest loser was Rod!! He lost 7.76% of his body weight in one month!!! Way to go Rod!!!

Rod 7.76%
Pepsea 5.60%
Anne 4.92%
Jamie 4.04%
Kelly 2.97%
Jennifer 1.28%
Anna 0.88%
Amanda 0.00%
Kristi 0.00%
Liberty 0.00%
Meredith 0.00%

Junes game will start Friday and go to July 1st. Who wants to play? Message me!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 13th Results

Wow people!! You guys are rocking it!! 21lbs lost last week! Keep it up we're half way through the month... are you going to BRING IT!? Prize up for grabs!!!

Rod killed it last week losing 4.39% We'll see how he does this week without the flu helping him out ;) Keep it up Rod... not the flu... just the working hard :)

Rod 4.39%
Kelly 2.47%
Pepsea 1.66%
Anna 1.35%
Jamie 1.17%
Anne 0.77%
Kristi 0.52%
Jennifer 0.51%
Amanda 0.00%
Meredith 0.00%
Liberty -1.51%

Monday, May 9, 2011

May 6th Results

We've had a pretty good start to our month... as a group we lost 24.5lbs!!! Not too bad :) Need to give a shout out to Rod!! He is our loser of the week... he lost 6.39% of his body weight last week! Way to BRING IT!

Rod 6.39%
Pepsea 2.06%
Jamie 1.52%
Anne 1.52%
Kelly 0.00%
Kristi 0.00%
Meredith 0.00%
Anna -0.08%
Jennifer -0.43%
Amanda -0.71%

Monday, April 25, 2011

Back in May

So we took April off from the game... mostly because people felt they were too busy to play this month. But I'm starting the game back up for May... and because May is my birthday month... I will be giving out a prize bag for the biggest loser of the month!! As always FREE to play... Who's in?

Monday, April 4, 2011

Final Results for March

Hey Everyone!
Final Results are in for March... We had a pretty good month! Yay us!! As a group we lost 42.6 pounds!!!

Our looser of the month was Leah!!! She lost an amazing 7.79% of her body weight! Way to stay focused Leah! Any words of wisdom for us? :)

Leah 7.79%
Maggie 3.28%
Dawn 3.21%
Dana 3.20%
Jamie 3.00%
Drew 1.79%
Amy 1.52%
Jon 1.01%
Kelly's Belly 0.95%
Kami 0.00%
StephAnn 0.00%
Austin -1.06%

Monday, March 21, 2011

March 18th Results

To be completely honest not our best week as a group. I don't know if it was all those liquid calories on St. Patrick's day or we're just getting lost in the month.
Though some people did really good. I even got a message from someone that they reached their goal! Yay!!!
Keep your eye on your goal. You still have time to end the month strong. We have 2 more weigh ins for the month. Our last weigh in will be April 1st (I'm not joking ;) ) And next months game will start that day too.

Maggie 2.44%
Dana 1.98%
Leah 1.35%
Kelly's Belly 0.45%
Austin 0.31%
Dawn 0.00%
Jamie 0.00%
Jon 0.00%
Drew -0.30%
StephAnn -0.37%
Amy -0.51%
Kami -1.78%

Way to Maggie!!! She's our loser of the week!

Monday, March 14, 2011

March 11th Results

Sorry I'm posting this so late in the day. Not a great week, but not a bad week as a group :) As a group we lost 10lbs! Keep reminding yourself of your goal and you'll make it!

Leah was our biggest loser of the week. Way to stay focused and and push yourself!

Leah 2.63%
Dawn 2.56%
Amy 0.81%
Jon 0.59%
Jamie 0.43%
StephAnn 0.37%
Dana 0.00%
Kami 0.00%
Kelly's Belly 0.00%
Maggie 0.00%
Drew -0.30%
Austin -1.27%

St. Patrick's Day is this week. Try not to drink too many calories of your calories ;) Good luck!

Monday, March 7, 2011

March 4th Results

It was a good start to March, total of 12lbs. And some people may think 12 is not a big number, but that's 12lbs in one week!! I think that's pretty good. But I do think we can do better! :) Keep reminding yourself about your goal. You can do this!

Way to go Kami - you're our Biggest Loser of the week!!

Kami 1.75%
Jamie 1.41%
Leah 1.30%
Drew 1.19%
Jon 0.84%
Dana 0.53%
Kelly's Belly 0.32%
Austin 0.21%
Amy 0.20%
Dawn 0.00%
Johnathan 0.00%
StephAnn 0.00%
Maggie -0.82%

Monday, February 28, 2011

End of February Results!!

So there are 28 days in February... and as a group we lost 25.6lbs! Not too bad! Need to give a shout out to Jamie! She killed it this month! She lost 4.22% of her body weight! AMAZING!

Jamie 4.22%
Maggie 3.17%
Amy 2.67%
Jon 1.65%
Austin 1.15%
StephAnn 1.10%
Jeanette 0.94%
Obxbound 0.62%
Anna -0.73%
Kami -2.56%

Who's in for March? Let me know what your goal is!

Monday, February 21, 2011

February 18th Results

I think it was a tough week with Valentines day and all. Back in the day I worked at a day care. I was always amazed that the holiday that brought in the most sugary treats was not Christmas... it was Valentines Day!

Way to go Jon! For being our loser of the week!! :) Keep it up everyone! The month is almost over!

Jon 0.83%
Jamie 0.82%
Anna 0.81%
Maggie 0.81%
Austin 0.52%
Jeanette 0.00%
Obxbound 0.00%
StephAnn 0.00%
Amy -1.15%
Kami -1.30%

Monday, February 14, 2011

February 11th Results

Happy Valentines Day! I know the temptation is BIG today! Go ahead and treat yourself to a few extra calories today. But be reasonable! You don't want to feel crappy about it tomorrow. Just Sayin

For weight loss as a total, not our best week, we lost 5.8lbs. But I did have some people report little or no weight loss but the noticed inches coming off. And really - isn't that why we want to lose the weight, to lose the inches!! :) I always recommend taking measurements with your weight or at least once a month. Nothing more exciting than seeing that tape measure come in a little more

Kami was our loser of the week!!! Way to go girl!

Kami 1.28%
Jeanette 0.94%
Jamie 0.73%
Anna 0.72%
Jon 0.33%
Amy 0.00%
Maggie 0.00%
Obxbound 0.00%
StephAnn 0.00%
Austin -0.52%

Monday, February 7, 2011

February 4th Results

Not too bad for the 1st week of the month... we lost 9lbs. Great start! Keep it up!

Maggie 1.59%
Amy 1.33%
Jamie 1.08%
Obxbound 0.62%
StephAnn 0.37%
Jon 0.25%
Austin 0.10%
Kami 0.00%
Anna -0.73%

Monday, January 31, 2011

End of Janurary Results!!

You all made to the end! And Everyone did so well! Way to stay focused and go for your goal! As a total in January we lost 51.4 pounds! So Awesome!

Three Cheers for Destiny... she lost a whopping 6.98% of her weight last month!! YOU ARE AMAZING DESTINY! Keep it up!

Destiny 6.98%
Valarie 4.44%
Obxbound 4.17%
Cate 3.33%
Anna 2.83%
Pepsea 2.12%
Jeannine 2.09%
Drew 1.16%
StephAnn 1.09%
Cortney 1.04%
Christine 0.64%
Elaine -1.79%

Don't stop now! February is tomorrow. It's a short month... but you can still do a lot!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

January 21st Results

The first month of 2011 is almost over. We are doing awesome! Keep it up!

Pepsea 4.14%
Valarie 2.26%
Destiny 1.48%
Jeannine 1.06%
Cate 0.68%
Drew 0.29%
Cortney 0.00%
Elaine 0.00%
Obxbound 0.00%
StephAnn 0.00%
Christine -0.64%
Anna -0.65%

"It's not an overnight process I just have to keep reminding myself of that" ~Destiny
Thanks Destiny! You are so right!

Monday, January 17, 2011

January 14th Results

For the most part we are doing really well this month! Keep it up! Our biggest loser of the month is Destiny... 3.33% That's amazing! I asked her how she was doing it...

"The trick seems to be a good balance of cardio and eating properly."

Destiny 3.33%
Valarie 1.67%
Drew 0.87%
Cate 0.68%
Anna 0.64%
Jeannine 0.53%
Obxbound 0.30%
Christine 0.00%
StephAnn 0.00%
Vicky 0.00%
Cortney -0.52%
Pepsea -1.04%
Elaine -1.80%

Sunday, January 9, 2011

January 7th Results

We're having a really good start the new year! Keep it up! Please feel free to post your goals for the month in the comments. Get dedicated - tell me what you can do this month!

Destiny 2.33%
Anna 2.05%
Cate 1.33%
Jeannine 1.05%
Obxbound 0.89%
Elaine 0.60%
Cortney 0.52%
Christine 0.00%
Valarie 0.00%
Vicky 0.00%
StephAnn -0.36%
Pepsea -1.52%

Monday, January 3, 2011

End Results for December!

OK... so December was HARD month for this, but many of you did amazing! And those that didn't have the best luck, don't worry about it... it's a new month a new year... and THIS IS YOUR YEAR!

Maggie 3.76%
Christine 3.70%
Vicky 3.50%
Cassie 2.56%
Bill 2.28%
Robin 1.80%
Meredith 1.78%
Sierra 1.38%
StephAnn 1.08%
Celeste 0.72%
Pepsea 0.00%
Cortney -0.52%
Marina -0.60%
Elaine -1.20%
Drew -1.76%
Anna -2.51%

Congratulations Maggie!! She's our winner of the month and thanks to the donation from Pixie Chicago she's won a $40gift card!